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No matter how far you come from, here you have the chance to see the real side of things!


Mexico Social and Political Walk

Mexican politics is like spicy salsa – it has a lot of different flavors and ingredients that mix together in interesting ways…

Manila Social and Political Walk

A country with crystal-clear waters, endless beaches, the very heart of what the word paradise means. In this country, we can find a lot of light, yes… but also a lot of shadows…

Colombo Social and Political Walk

Sri Lanka is in the midst of a brutal crisis that’s so bad, it’s been called the Asian Argentina. It’s not just food and fuel that are in short supply – power outages are also crippling businesses, and hospitals are running out of medicine…

Jakarta Social and Political Walk

Indonesia is a massive archipelago, home to more than 250 million people, half of whom are under 30 years old. However, despite its impressive size and diversity, Indonesia still struggles with major social inequalities…